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Will AI Replace Software Developers?

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) creates a dual landscape of opportunities and uncertainties within software development. The integration of robotic tools offers promising prospects, increasing the productivity and accuracy of developers across various tasks. From automated code generation to sophisticated debugging solutions, these innovations are reshaping conventional coding practices. However, alongside these opportunities, there are many concerns regarding the social, ethical, and economic branching of widespread AI adoption. This article will explore how the rise of AI might impact the role, relevance, and future of software developers in our ever-changing technological world.

The Current State of AI in Software Development 

Machine learning has started to carve its niche in software development, primarily as a coding assistant. According to the McKinsey report on AI in software engineering, AI tools are improving the efficiency and accuracy of developers. As a result, the impact of expert systems on software engineering productivity could reduce annual spending by 20-45%. The software development landscape is being reshaped by AI, marking a new era of coding practices and methodologies. Here's a deeper look into the current state of AI in this field:

AI has become universally accessible

Previously, the artificial intelligence (AI) domain was the exclusive territory of major corporations such as IBM, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. The complexity and high cost of AI research and development meant that it was not affordable for small organizations.

However, the landscape has changed dramatically with the open-sourcing NLP models. This shift has led to a rapid democratization within the AI sector. Now, companies of all sizes can tap into AI's remarkable capabilities.

The commercialization of GPT AI is set to expand

Observing the current trajectory and advancements in the field, it's evident that Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) AI will see increased commercial use. From creating unique texts to summarizing data — these models' abilities open up broad application avenues across various sectors.

Numerous businesses are already leveraging GPT AI to refine their offerings. For instance, GPT AI-driven chatbots are revolutionizing customer service by providing tailored support and boosting engagement. Furthermore, GPT AI is being utilized to streamline the creation of content for social media, emails, and marketing collateral.

As advancements in GPT AI progress and accessibility widen, its adoption for commercial uses is expected to surge. Nonetheless, it's crucial to address the ethical and societal impacts that accompany the widespread use of AI.

Highlighting the trend towards commercialization, OpenAI initiated a subscription model for ChatGPT, called ChatGPT Plus, in February 2023. Priced at $20/month, this subscription offers additional benefits, marking a significant step in the commercial journey of GPT AI technology.

New regulatory measures for AI usage are on the horizon

Currently, there needs to be more comprehensive legislation specifically governing AI usage. Nonetheless, certain regulations and guidelines are in place that address specific facets of AI development and application.

A significant step toward regulating AI came with The White House's publication of a Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights. This document outlines initial principles aimed at governing AI use:

  • AI systems and services must ensure safety and effectiveness for users.
  • Users must be safeguarded against discrimination by AI algorithms.
  • Users' data should be protected, with individuals retaining complete control over their personal information.
  • Users should be informed when they are interacting with automated systems.
  • Users should have the option to opt out of AI-generated services and choose alternatives.

In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets a high standard for data protection, impacting the collection, storage, and processing of personal data. Given AI systems' reliance on substantial personal data pools, such regulations are particularly relevant.

The European Union is taking further steps by proposing an AI Act, aimed specifically at regulating AI applications. It's expected that more nations will follow suit, contemplating the introduction of AI regulations to ensure its safe and ethical use.

Increased collaboration between humans and AI is on the rise

Studies indicate that teams that involve AI in their work are more effective than those that work exclusively with people. With AI technology now widely accessible, its adoption and integration into daily tasks have become commonplace. This trend suggests that the collaboration between humans and AI will intensify in the upcoming years, fostering a more integrated approach to problem-solving.

AI to simultaneously displace and generate jobs

The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, AI will have displaced approximately 85 million jobs while creating about 97 million new ones. WEF conducted surveys of nearly 300 global companies; the result has shown that over 50% of business executives were accelerating plans to digitize work and deploy innovative technology. 43% of them would replace traditional workers with new technology. But still, there is some skepticism regarding AI's impact on the workforce, its influence across various sectors is undeniable. A recent study conducted by MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) investigated whether AI could perform tasks more efficiently than humans and whether it was cost-effective for businesses to replace human labor with AI. It is noted that at this stage, the transition to automated systems to replace people is not a profitable solution for most businesses. Over time, the price of AI assistants may decrease, but this will definitely not happen soon, and besides, it will not affect all professions. This exemplifies the dual nature of AI's impact on employment, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities it presents.

At what stages of development is AI most needed, and where is human intervention necessary? Check our last Infographic about “Generative AI and How It Influences Workflow Speed”. Learn how advanced machine learning algorithms reshape the software development lifecycle.

Infographic: Impact of Generative AI on Developer's Speed

Strengths and Limitations of AI in Programming

Artificial intelligence has brought remarkable advancements in development practices. Even though the tools powered by Generative AI are relatively new, research conducted by McKinsey in 2023 showed that software developers can write new code nearly twice as fast and optimize existing code almost two-thirds of the time with the help of these tools.

However, like any transformative technology, AI creates certain challenges that must be acknowledged. We prefer to call them problems rather than shortcomings since the introduction of any new technology is always due to certain difficulties. Let's explore both the strengths and limitations of using artificial intelligence in software development.


  • Efficient Resource Management: AI's ability to optimize algorithms leads to better performance in software projects.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI can predict outcomes based on historical data, aiding in decision-making and risk assessment.
  • Customized Solutions: AI's learning capabilities allow the creation of highly customized software solutions tailored to specific user needs or market demands.
  • Cross-Language Capabilities: AI tools can work across multiple programming languages, enhancing versatility and adaptability.
  • Code Generation and Autocompletion: Tools like GitHub Copilot leverage AI to suggest code snippets and complete lines of code based on the context of the work being done. This can significantly speed up the coding process and help developers by reducing the cognitive load.


  • Dependence on Quality Data: AI's effectiveness depends on the data quality it's trained on. Poor data can lead to inaccurate or biased results.
  • Understanding Context: AI often struggles to understand the broader context of a project, which can be critical in software development.
  • Security Concerns: The integration of AI in software development raises doubts, particularly in the context of data privacy and vulnerability to AI-specific attacks.
  • Maintenance and Upkeep: AI systems require continuous maintenance and updating to remain practical, which can be resource-intensive.

Besides, with the increasing sophistication of AI systems, they could become more susceptible to cyberattacks. Therefore, integrating strong security protocols into the software development lifecycle may become necessary.

Future Outlook

Looking into the future, the role of AI in software development is poised to evolve significantly:

  • Collaborative Development Environments. Expect a rise in collaborative tools where AI and human intelligence work in tandem, enhancing both the creativity and efficiency of software development. There will be more tools that combine the efforts of human developers with AI-driven recommendations, offering suggestions for code completion that improve productivity and reduce errors.
  • AI-Driven Code Optimization. New algorithms will likely play a more significant role in optimizing code for performance and efficiency, particularly in complex systems. As we can see Google and similar companies use intelligent retrieval to optimize the performance of their data centers.
  • Ethical AI Development. There will be a heightened focus on developing fair, transparent, and accountable AI-driven systems. IBM's AI Ethics Board became the first initiative that oversees company development aligning with ethical guidelines.
  • Emergence of New Programming Paradigms. Coding may become more about guiding and teaching AI systems rather than writing explicit instructions.
  • Expansion in Non-Traditional Sectors. The impact of robotic systems on the non-traditional sector using the latest software will continue to expand. For example, it has been happening in agriculture lately, a great case is John Deere's use of AI for precision farming.

AI's future appears promising as people continue to develop products that can address various challenges. As such, the role of AI in software development will become even more significant.

Will There Be a Confrontation Between AI and Programmers?

According to UVIK's research, discussing AI's potential to replace human jobs overlooks crucial human attributes that AI cannot replicate. Programmers have an advantage over AI in terms of:

  • creative thinking
  • problem-solving
  • understanding complex principles
  • adaptability
  • empathy
  • user-centric approach

An October 2023 study, recently submitted to the International Conference on Learning Representations that will be conducted in May 2024, shows that the demand for specialists, especially developers, in the IT field will only grow. This is related to the expansion of the influence of AI, the Internet of Things, and robotics. The rising number of software-based products, including those for consumer electronics and IoT-connected devices, will create new jobs and opportunities for specialists. Concerns over computer security threats will also lead to increased investment in software that protects electronic networks, resulting in a need for more security software developers and quality assurance analysts.


So will AI replace IT specialists? Not in the near future, definitely.  But we have to admit that,  AI keeps on changing our world, influencing each aspect of the life of human beings. All we can do is embrace these changes and make them work for our good.

As we indicated in the article, the success of AI is it is directly proportional to the competency of a specialist who works with it. Neural networks, no matter how trained they are, cannot rival our capacity for critical thinking, problem-solving, and generating innovative solutions. Human oversight remains essential for most tasks performed by robotic systems, so they obviously cannot replace human programmers. Instead, there is a growing demand for software developers to facilitate the integration of machine learning into workflows. The development of AI directly depends on progress in development and vice versa, so these processes may gradually complement each other, thus accelerating the development of humanity.

Instead of wondering if machines will take over the jobs of IT specialists or people from the non-traditional sector, it is better to create opportunities for people to learn new technologies and be able to manage them. After all, there is no turning back, there will be more innovations, so we must be ready to use them as efficiently as possible.

Fivewalls is always ready to become your partner in this journey. Our specialist will help you create a top-notch product that is guaranteed to meet your needs. Drop us a line and book a free first consultation at or visit our website.

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